Hissah Al Abdulsalam, Dr. Po-Chang ‘Po’ Tseng, and Dr. Asilay Seker begin PhDs with the Lab
The new academic year is well underway, and there are three new PhDs here at the CAMHS Digital Lab. Hissah Al Abdulsalam, Dr. Po-Chang ‘Po’ Tseng, and Dr. Asilay Seker (who has been working with us since the beginning of the year as a clinician) have just begun their PhDs with the Lab. Join us in welcoming them to the Lab by learning a bit more about them below!
Hissah has just started her PhD in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Research as part of the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Digital Health and Care (DRIVE-Health CDT). Hissah’s research focuses on optimising health system assessment by developing a future-focused framework for evaluating digital health technologies in healthcare.
Po is a Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, who completed his specialist training at the National Taiwan University Hospital. His PhD will adopt an interdisciplinary approach, converging mental health, ethics, and law to investigate the mental capacity of minors. Employing a mixed-methods design, the study will integrate natural language processing techniques to analyse legal documents, clinical records, and research interviews.
Asilay joins us on the back of a NIHR Academic Clinical Fellowship as a Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Trainee. For her PhD, she will be looking at emotion dysregulation in ADHD, analysing mental health and educational outcomes as well as ways to personalise assessment processes utilising digital technology.